PTS Traveler Information and Background

What is the language of instruction?
PTS Traveler is available in 5 global languages: English (US) English (African/UK) Spanish (Mexico) Hindi (English Characters) Arabic (Gulf)
Wed, 22 Jan, 2020 at 10:10 AM
What is the partnership between PepsiCo and IYF?
The PepsiCo Foundation partnered with IYF to create a digital training course to help one million young women learn these vital life skills that are essen...
Mon, 6 Jul, 2020 at 11:53 AM
What is IYF?
IYF stands by, for, and with young people. Founded in 1990 through a generous grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, IYF is a global nonprofit with program...
Wed, 24 Aug, 2022 at 9:24 AM
How is PepsiCo Foundation involved with Passport to Success Traveler?
The PepsiCo Foundation’s grant for Passport to Success® Traveler supports PepsiCo’s goal to invest $100 million by 2025 in initiatives to provide 12.5 mil...
Mon, 6 Jul, 2020 at 11:51 AM