We’ve talked about the curriculum. Now let’s talk about cohorts. The cohort icon will take you to your cohort, or group of trainers and coaches you will be working with.

Think of it as your class.

Click “open cohort” and you can then click into the topics tab to view what we call the Connect community, where you can engage in online discussion with your cohort and upload your assignments for the week.

If you click into the appropriate folder mentioned in the notes for that section, you can create a post, create an upload of your assignment, and reply to others’ as well.



The learning tab next to the topics tab will show you the course agenda for your training, where you can view the dates and content required for completion for your specific cohort.

Another way to get to the Connect community where you will post discussions or assignment is by clicking the three horizontal lines on the top right. Click Connect, then All Communities, then your cohort, and then you will be led to the same page where you can post and comment.


Using Your Cohort's Connect Community Video Tutorial